Monday, October 31, 2005
Nearly perfect day
Yesterday I played a series of $50 heads up sit n gos. Things were really clicking and before I knew it I had won 3 in a row.. then 4 then 6 and then was upto 8-0 on the day. I almost quit but decided to try and make it 10-0 for the day.
The 9th match was crazy. I was against a really bad player. He wouldn't fold and loved to min raise with whatever he had. I normally do well against these guys, but just couldn't get a hand to hold up. One hand I had something like AT and raised preflop and he min reraised, I called. A9x flop. He bet out small, I raised it up, and he min reraised. I called. Blank on turn and he bet and I called. 8 on river. He bet and I called. He turned over 98o. Twice he called huge check raises by me with just overcards or gutshot draws and kept hitting. I eventually got allin with KJ vs his T3o (he reraised me preflop and called my allin preflop blinds were 50/100) and he hit a T and it was over. Oh well. I played one more and kept out playing the guy but couldn't win. I had him allin with AK vs KQ. He flushed. KT vs K6. He spiked a 6. He was very passive preflop though and once the blinds got big I really started to steal. Again blinds got to 50/100 and I finally got him to call allin with K3 when I had A9, and it held. Game 0ver.
9-1 on the day for a $375 profit. No complaints, though I wish I could have made it 10-0.
I paid pokerstars exactly $25 in rake on the day. They should love me.
The 9th match was crazy. I was against a really bad player. He wouldn't fold and loved to min raise with whatever he had. I normally do well against these guys, but just couldn't get a hand to hold up. One hand I had something like AT and raised preflop and he min reraised, I called. A9x flop. He bet out small, I raised it up, and he min reraised. I called. Blank on turn and he bet and I called. 8 on river. He bet and I called. He turned over 98o. Twice he called huge check raises by me with just overcards or gutshot draws and kept hitting. I eventually got allin with KJ vs his T3o (he reraised me preflop and called my allin preflop blinds were 50/100) and he hit a T and it was over. Oh well. I played one more and kept out playing the guy but couldn't win. I had him allin with AK vs KQ. He flushed. KT vs K6. He spiked a 6. He was very passive preflop though and once the blinds got big I really started to steal. Again blinds got to 50/100 and I finally got him to call allin with K3 when I had A9, and it held. Game 0ver.
9-1 on the day for a $375 profit. No complaints, though I wish I could have made it 10-0.
I paid pokerstars exactly $25 in rake on the day. They should love me.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Good run in the Heads Up Matches
Things have been clicking lately in the heads up matches. 2 days ago I won 7 $50 HU matches in a row. Today I entered two 4 man HU sngs and won both, then I entered the $20 buyin 256 man HU tourney and won my first four matches there. I'm not sure if I won my last match last night, so that means before getting knocked out of the tourney in 11th place I had won 8 or 9 in a row. Crazy!
I'm finally getting good at adapting to tight players. In the last 4 man sng I played today the first match lasted 55 minutes! Which is insane for me. But I stayed patient and wore him down. Then I got heads up with a manaic who wanted to put all of his chips in the pot blind, lol. It took me like 5 hands to beat him.
Good times. I also posted a win of about $7 playing 1/2 limit ;-p so all told I made about $360 today. I'm very happy with that.
I'm finally getting good at adapting to tight players. In the last 4 man sng I played today the first match lasted 55 minutes! Which is insane for me. But I stayed patient and wore him down. Then I got heads up with a manaic who wanted to put all of his chips in the pot blind, lol. It took me like 5 hands to beat him.
Good times. I also posted a win of about $7 playing 1/2 limit ;-p so all told I made about $360 today. I'm very happy with that.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I love PS
This kid claims he's 13 and his mom is supervising him.
BoBtheMule: I see them cracked... I dunno... about 20% of the time
starks13: darm thts alot
BoBtheMule: that's how much they're suppose to lose to another pocket pair
BoBtheMule: der
BoBtheMule: I see them cracked... I dunno... about 20% of the time
starks13: darm thts alot
BoBtheMule: that's how much they're suppose to lose to another pocket pair
BoBtheMule: der
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Crazy day... at least it ended well
I don't think I won a coinflip all day. I played like 5 $50 HU sngs and got eliminated from pretty much all of them by either a badbeat or a stupid opponent play. AK lost to KQ, A5 to KJ, AK to J4 after he called off 75% of his chips on a flush draw on ace high board etc etc.
Decided I had one more 4 man $50 HU sng left in me. Won the first match without much fuss, don't even remember much about it. 2nd match was a battle. He would never really raise that much preflop, but if he thought you were bluffing he'd reraise. I look advantage of this by playing AQ for a raise, getting reraised and just called. Board was blanks and I check raised turn hard and bet river and took down a big pot. Blinds were going up though, and he whitted back to even, then he was up a bit when I got 77. He limped, I raised he reraised and I pushed allin. He called with KQ and I WON a fucking coinflip!!!!
He was down to like 500 and I couldn't beat him losing 3 hands allin that were basically coinflips. He got back upto almost even when I got 99. I raised he reraised and I jammed. He had TT and called. I was crippled.
I had 400 chips left and blinds were 100/200. I got 37o in SB and folded leaving me with 300 chips. I got like K8s in BB next hand and he put me allin with 54 and I won. 600 chips. Next hand I had 55. I pushed allin and he had AK and I won a coin flip. 1200 chips now. I see a free flop in BB with 74 T97 flop he bets I fold. 1000 left. 98s I push allin and win the BB back to 1200. 99 next hand, he puts me allin. I call he has 88 and I hold up. 2400. I see freeflop with T5s in BB, checked to turn when I bet bottom pair and pick up blinds. 2600 chips. Q9 I limp he checks. Board comes QTxTT and he bets turn and river and I raise river and he folds. Big pot and it puts me in lead at 3400. Last hand I limp with 68 he raises to 3x BB, I call. K95 flop. I had a gutshot and call a 400 bet. I nail my gutshot on the turn. He checks I bet 400 which was meant to look weak and sure enough he check raises me allin. I have the nuts so I call and he has A9 for middle pair and is drawing dead. THE END
Was so sweeet to pull that off. Like finding $200 on the sidewalk.
Tonight I can sleep a happy man.
Decided I had one more 4 man $50 HU sng left in me. Won the first match without much fuss, don't even remember much about it. 2nd match was a battle. He would never really raise that much preflop, but if he thought you were bluffing he'd reraise. I look advantage of this by playing AQ for a raise, getting reraised and just called. Board was blanks and I check raised turn hard and bet river and took down a big pot. Blinds were going up though, and he whitted back to even, then he was up a bit when I got 77. He limped, I raised he reraised and I pushed allin. He called with KQ and I WON a fucking coinflip!!!!
He was down to like 500 and I couldn't beat him losing 3 hands allin that were basically coinflips. He got back upto almost even when I got 99. I raised he reraised and I jammed. He had TT and called. I was crippled.
I had 400 chips left and blinds were 100/200. I got 37o in SB and folded leaving me with 300 chips. I got like K8s in BB next hand and he put me allin with 54 and I won. 600 chips. Next hand I had 55. I pushed allin and he had AK and I won a coin flip. 1200 chips now. I see a free flop in BB with 74 T97 flop he bets I fold. 1000 left. 98s I push allin and win the BB back to 1200. 99 next hand, he puts me allin. I call he has 88 and I hold up. 2400. I see freeflop with T5s in BB, checked to turn when I bet bottom pair and pick up blinds. 2600 chips. Q9 I limp he checks. Board comes QTxTT and he bets turn and river and I raise river and he folds. Big pot and it puts me in lead at 3400. Last hand I limp with 68 he raises to 3x BB, I call. K95 flop. I had a gutshot and call a 400 bet. I nail my gutshot on the turn. He checks I bet 400 which was meant to look weak and sure enough he check raises me allin. I have the nuts so I call and he has A9 for middle pair and is drawing dead. THE END
Was so sweeet to pull that off. Like finding $200 on the sidewalk.
Tonight I can sleep a happy man.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Another day at the casino....
Story of my run in with this really old mean bastard. Maybe you had to be there, but he was sooo funny to watch implode.
Playing $100 NL tonight at Seneca Allegheny casino. Sat down and there was this
pissed off looking 75 or so year old man playing. He was the meanest crotchety
person I have ever seen playing in a casino. (Granted I havn't played that long,
but this guy was crazy).
One hand is 3 way pot. Me, guy1 and oldfart. Board is Qxxx on turn, and
oldfart is first to act and checks. He then turns his hand over, QT. The dealer
hesitates for a second and mucks his hand and action progresses. Me and guy1
look at each other, shrug and check it down. he wins with jack high. Oldfart
doesn't say anything until the kid gets the $3 pot pushed to him... then he went
apeshit. Dealer explains once he showed his cards (he tossed them face up into
the muck) that they were dead. The guy is yelling, swearing and carrying on...
so the floor comes and the guy spazzes saying he doesn't want the pot, not to
call the floor, etc etc but the floor is already there and tries calmly to explain to him why his handwas dead.
In the middle of him explaining the old fart ripped the deck outof the dealer's hand and attempted to reenact the hand. At this point the floorreally started yelling at him, telling him to drop the cards and never touchthem again. The guy like gets up and walks a few feet away swearing under hisbreath at the floor. The kid that won the pot was like... its only $3 and he didhave the best hand, I'll just give it to him, no big deal. The floor told dealerto push pot to winner and he could do what he wanted
The kid told the guy, no big deal you had best hand take it. Old fart was like Hell No, they don't wantto award the pot to the winner, who am I to say otherwise, etc etc. Kid slid the3 $1 chips to the guy anyways. The old fart took the 3 chips, spun around in hischair and THREW THEM. FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORR!
Floor came for the second time in one minute, yelled at him again, told him ifhe ever did anything like that ever again he was gone for good. Told him to gopick up the chips or else. Guy finally went and picked them up.
Awile later a guy bets $25 and the old fart tosses in a $5 chip and says call.Dealer is like no, its 25 to go, and old fart says well then, I'm not going toplay and tries to take the $5 back. Dealer says that he couldn't. He could put$20 more in or fold. He grabs the chip and slams it onto his stack and gives thedealer just a horrible look. She says put it back or she calls floor and hepicked it up and flung it at her so hard it bounced into her rack, but somehowstayed on the table. He then called her a name and said that he would reallllytip her biiiig next time then he was like "you wanna know HOW big?" and hepulled out a $100 bill and threw it down and was like THATS how big I'm gonnatip you (this was all stated about as assholeish as possible).
The guy was sitting across from the dealer I should add, and was being a dickabout mucking his cards. He wouldn't just fold them, he would fire them at thedealer. He nearly put them off the table multiple times, and was basically usingher as a backstop. I was in the 10 seat and nearly had his cards go into my lap.Anytime the dealer corrected him, told him it was his turn to act or to post ablind the table had to wait for 10 seconds while he stared down the dealer giving him/her a look that would melt steel.
His final adventure came when he called a river bet. The guy showed Q2 for toppair, and the old fart had 77. He mucked his hand by flipping the 77 face up,stacked the cards on top of each other, slid them into the middle of the tableand picked up all of the board cards. Then he whipped all 7 cards back at thedealer. Somehow she kept her composure and didn't call floor. He'd have beengone so fast. He got up and left shortly thereafter.
He did all this stuff to like 5 dealers while I was there, and I don't thinkthey knew what a total ass he had been all night long, as floor would havebeen constantly called if they knew. But I gotta commend all the staff in thepoker room for putting up with the guy and settling all the disputes in a quickand decisive manner. I don't think I could have kept my cool as well as them.
Hope this was entertaining, it was hilarious to watch in person. Please post any similar stories you may have! Old mean bitter guys are funny.
Playing $100 NL tonight at Seneca Allegheny casino. Sat down and there was this
pissed off looking 75 or so year old man playing. He was the meanest crotchety
person I have ever seen playing in a casino. (Granted I havn't played that long,
but this guy was crazy).
One hand is 3 way pot. Me, guy1 and oldfart. Board is Qxxx on turn, and
oldfart is first to act and checks. He then turns his hand over, QT. The dealer
hesitates for a second and mucks his hand and action progresses. Me and guy1
look at each other, shrug and check it down. he wins with jack high. Oldfart
doesn't say anything until the kid gets the $3 pot pushed to him... then he went
apeshit. Dealer explains once he showed his cards (he tossed them face up into
the muck) that they were dead. The guy is yelling, swearing and carrying on...
so the floor comes and the guy spazzes saying he doesn't want the pot, not to
call the floor, etc etc but the floor is already there and tries calmly to explain to him why his handwas dead.
In the middle of him explaining the old fart ripped the deck outof the dealer's hand and attempted to reenact the hand. At this point the floorreally started yelling at him, telling him to drop the cards and never touchthem again. The guy like gets up and walks a few feet away swearing under hisbreath at the floor. The kid that won the pot was like... its only $3 and he didhave the best hand, I'll just give it to him, no big deal. The floor told dealerto push pot to winner and he could do what he wanted
The kid told the guy, no big deal you had best hand take it. Old fart was like Hell No, they don't wantto award the pot to the winner, who am I to say otherwise, etc etc. Kid slid the3 $1 chips to the guy anyways. The old fart took the 3 chips, spun around in hischair and THREW THEM. FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORR!
Floor came for the second time in one minute, yelled at him again, told him ifhe ever did anything like that ever again he was gone for good. Told him to gopick up the chips or else. Guy finally went and picked them up.
Awile later a guy bets $25 and the old fart tosses in a $5 chip and says call.Dealer is like no, its 25 to go, and old fart says well then, I'm not going toplay and tries to take the $5 back. Dealer says that he couldn't. He could put$20 more in or fold. He grabs the chip and slams it onto his stack and gives thedealer just a horrible look. She says put it back or she calls floor and hepicked it up and flung it at her so hard it bounced into her rack, but somehowstayed on the table. He then called her a name and said that he would reallllytip her biiiig next time then he was like "you wanna know HOW big?" and hepulled out a $100 bill and threw it down and was like THATS how big I'm gonnatip you (this was all stated about as assholeish as possible).
The guy was sitting across from the dealer I should add, and was being a dickabout mucking his cards. He wouldn't just fold them, he would fire them at thedealer. He nearly put them off the table multiple times, and was basically usingher as a backstop. I was in the 10 seat and nearly had his cards go into my lap.Anytime the dealer corrected him, told him it was his turn to act or to post ablind the table had to wait for 10 seconds while he stared down the dealer giving him/her a look that would melt steel.
His final adventure came when he called a river bet. The guy showed Q2 for toppair, and the old fart had 77. He mucked his hand by flipping the 77 face up,stacked the cards on top of each other, slid them into the middle of the tableand picked up all of the board cards. Then he whipped all 7 cards back at thedealer. Somehow she kept her composure and didn't call floor. He'd have beengone so fast. He got up and left shortly thereafter.
He did all this stuff to like 5 dealers while I was there, and I don't thinkthey knew what a total ass he had been all night long, as floor would havebeen constantly called if they knew. But I gotta commend all the staff in thepoker room for putting up with the guy and settling all the disputes in a quickand decisive manner. I don't think I could have kept my cool as well as them.
Hope this was entertaining, it was hilarious to watch in person. Please post any similar stories you may have! Old mean bitter guys are funny.
Pokerstars blog entry
I gotta add this to the blog to play...

I have registered to play in the
Online Poker Blogger Championship!
This event is powered by PokerStars.
Registration code: 9419139
Monday, October 10, 2005
Crazy Day at B&M Casino
Went to local casino all day today to play some poker. Had a blast, though I lost like $20 on the day. First hand of day, I'm at $100 NL raise AJ, get a caller. Flop is JTx and I bust a lady who couldn't fold QT. Few hands later I have K8 hold against KT on a K83 flop and I won another big pot. About 10 minutes later I was down on the day, lol.
Long story short I couldn't get a hand to hold at $100 NL and ended there stuck about $90.
One hand I saw before I left a guy to my right, a regular who is pretty good, bets out on river on JTTQA board, and a guy at other end of table raises him big. Guy to my right flashes me TT before going allin and getting called by the guy with Kx.
Went to dinner with my dad. Nice buffet.
Come back just in time for my 100 nl table to break so I go sit next to my dad and play some 2/4 limit. That was crazy. Everyone sucked and my hands held up and I was up $70 right off the bat. Then aces got cracked. Set got cracked. Flopped straight got cracked. Top pair got rivered, and more. My dad gave up after getting smacked around but I stayed. Pretty soon we were playing 6 handed... my bread and butter. Then we were down to 5.. then 4. SWEET. I was down like $160 overall at this point, but I wasn't gonna give up hope. And then it happened!!
HE SAT DOWN!!! Who is HE you ask? I don't know his name, but he would have been one of the biggest fish on party poker and I got to play with him 4 handed for the better part of two hours. Ellix Powers would have exploded with this guy. Why? Because he called me down with EIGHT HIGH. yes he called me down one hand and flopped over 83o on river. That was amazing.
Then he did it two more times. THREE TIMES he called me down with 8 high. TWICE I called him down with Jack high and both times it was good. One hand there was a stradle and I'm on button and I three bet with J8, fish caps as does other guy. 442 flop fish bets, old fart calls , I raise and fish and old fart call. 7 on turn Fish bets, old fart folds, I raise, fish calls. King on river so 4427K board and fish bets. I say.. ."I don't see how I can fold here" and call. He flips over 93s (he had no draw) and I take down a big pot with Jack high. JACK HIGH!
The fish bet every single time you checked to him and he was two to my left so he made it really easy to check raise the field. I did this regularly.
I get JJ and raise. Fish 3 bets I cap. Old fart somes along for ride. J82 flop. I check fish bets, old fart calls, I check raise and just fish calls. Blank on turn, I bet and the fish raises. He calls my reraise and check calls the river with KJ. That was by far the best hand he'd had to that point.
One hand I raised KQ preflop flop is KJx and he bets, I raise, call. T on turn. He bets into me, I raise, he calls. T on river. He bets, I call. he turns over 9T. sigh
I ended up playing 'no foldem' holdem for two hours four handed and I basically busted the table. At end of session I was sitting with about $250 and I'd say the nearest guy had about $25.
He probably called 20 or more river bets with no pair as he dropped a lot of money. The funny thing was the two old farts I was with would A.) Call him down to river and fold. and B.) Try to bluff him with nothing. They'd bet and he'd call with 23 for a pair of rivered 2s and they'd muck . It was great. I was so close to histerical laughter about a dozen times.
It was funny to listen to the dealers. I'd bet on river and he'd call. I'd say "Top pair, jacks' and turn my hand over. He'd turn over Q3o for Q high and they'd be like. "Top pair and..... .... " then silence as they'd push me the pot.
Basically the last hand he played he raises, I limp/call with K5s. Flop was like 9 high garbage, one spade. I call him down to runner runner a flush and check raise him on river and somehow he just calls on river with pocket aces. Almost felt bad for the guy.
But it was so fucking funny man.
Ahhh, well I hope this was halfway interesting. If any of you had been there you'd have been rolling around on the ground. Maybe you had to be there, but it was great.
Well its 4 am and I"m tired!
Went to local casino all day today to play some poker. Had a blast, though I lost like $20 on the day. First hand of day, I'm at $100 NL raise AJ, get a caller. Flop is JTx and I bust a lady who couldn't fold QT. Few hands later I have K8 hold against KT on a K83 flop and I won another big pot. About 10 minutes later I was down on the day, lol.
Long story short I couldn't get a hand to hold at $100 NL and ended there stuck about $90.
One hand I saw before I left a guy to my right, a regular who is pretty good, bets out on river on JTTQA board, and a guy at other end of table raises him big. Guy to my right flashes me TT before going allin and getting called by the guy with Kx.
Went to dinner with my dad. Nice buffet.
Come back just in time for my 100 nl table to break so I go sit next to my dad and play some 2/4 limit. That was crazy. Everyone sucked and my hands held up and I was up $70 right off the bat. Then aces got cracked. Set got cracked. Flopped straight got cracked. Top pair got rivered, and more. My dad gave up after getting smacked around but I stayed. Pretty soon we were playing 6 handed... my bread and butter. Then we were down to 5.. then 4. SWEET. I was down like $160 overall at this point, but I wasn't gonna give up hope. And then it happened!!
HE SAT DOWN!!! Who is HE you ask? I don't know his name, but he would have been one of the biggest fish on party poker and I got to play with him 4 handed for the better part of two hours. Ellix Powers would have exploded with this guy. Why? Because he called me down with EIGHT HIGH. yes he called me down one hand and flopped over 83o on river. That was amazing.
Then he did it two more times. THREE TIMES he called me down with 8 high. TWICE I called him down with Jack high and both times it was good. One hand there was a stradle and I'm on button and I three bet with J8, fish caps as does other guy. 442 flop fish bets, old fart calls , I raise and fish and old fart call. 7 on turn Fish bets, old fart folds, I raise, fish calls. King on river so 4427K board and fish bets. I say.. ."I don't see how I can fold here" and call. He flips over 93s (he had no draw) and I take down a big pot with Jack high. JACK HIGH!
The fish bet every single time you checked to him and he was two to my left so he made it really easy to check raise the field. I did this regularly.
I get JJ and raise. Fish 3 bets I cap. Old fart somes along for ride. J82 flop. I check fish bets, old fart calls, I check raise and just fish calls. Blank on turn, I bet and the fish raises. He calls my reraise and check calls the river with KJ. That was by far the best hand he'd had to that point.
One hand I raised KQ preflop flop is KJx and he bets, I raise, call. T on turn. He bets into me, I raise, he calls. T on river. He bets, I call. he turns over 9T. sigh
I ended up playing 'no foldem' holdem for two hours four handed and I basically busted the table. At end of session I was sitting with about $250 and I'd say the nearest guy had about $25.
He probably called 20 or more river bets with no pair as he dropped a lot of money. The funny thing was the two old farts I was with would A.) Call him down to river and fold. and B.) Try to bluff him with nothing. They'd bet and he'd call with 23 for a pair of rivered 2s and they'd muck . It was great. I was so close to histerical laughter about a dozen times.
It was funny to listen to the dealers. I'd bet on river and he'd call. I'd say "Top pair, jacks' and turn my hand over. He'd turn over Q3o for Q high and they'd be like. "Top pair and..... .... " then silence as they'd push me the pot.
Basically the last hand he played he raises, I limp/call with K5s. Flop was like 9 high garbage, one spade. I call him down to runner runner a flush and check raise him on river and somehow he just calls on river with pocket aces. Almost felt bad for the guy.
But it was so fucking funny man.
Ahhh, well I hope this was halfway interesting. If any of you had been there you'd have been rolling around on the ground. Maybe you had to be there, but it was great.
Well its 4 am and I"m tired!
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Halfway to Atlantis...
PokerStars Tournament #13192390, No Limit Hold'em
Super Satellite
Buy-In: $73.00/$7.00
50 players
Total Prize Pool: $3650.00
Target Tournament #13190500 Buy-In: $650.00
5 tickets to the target tournament
Tournament started - 2005/10/08 - 12:00:00 (ET)
Dear BoBtheMule,
You finished the tournament in 1st place.
You qualified to play in Tournament #13190500 and are automatically registered for it.
See Tournament #13190500 Lobby for further details.
Patience paid off... until right near the end I was never average or above average. I played the final table (where I came in as the shortest stack) like a pro. Gambled when I had to, folded when it was required and got my chips in the best spots. (I'll post some hands later on... wait til you see 98o.)
Next Saturday... no Indy, no Buffalo trips... sitting here playing the satellite.
Super Satellite
Buy-In: $73.00/$7.00
50 players
Total Prize Pool: $3650.00
Target Tournament #13190500 Buy-In: $650.00
5 tickets to the target tournament
Tournament started - 2005/10/08 - 12:00:00 (ET)
Dear BoBtheMule,
You finished the tournament in 1st place.
You qualified to play in Tournament #13190500 and are automatically registered for it.
See Tournament #13190500 Lobby for further details.
Patience paid off... until right near the end I was never average or above average. I played the final table (where I came in as the shortest stack) like a pro. Gambled when I had to, folded when it was required and got my chips in the best spots. (I'll post some hands later on... wait til you see 98o.)
Next Saturday... no Indy, no Buffalo trips... sitting here playing the satellite.