Thursday, October 27, 2005


Good run in the Heads Up Matches

Things have been clicking lately in the heads up matches. 2 days ago I won 7 $50 HU matches in a row. Today I entered two 4 man HU sngs and won both, then I entered the $20 buyin 256 man HU tourney and won my first four matches there. I'm not sure if I won my last match last night, so that means before getting knocked out of the tourney in 11th place I had won 8 or 9 in a row. Crazy!

I'm finally getting good at adapting to tight players. In the last 4 man sng I played today the first match lasted 55 minutes! Which is insane for me. But I stayed patient and wore him down. Then I got heads up with a manaic who wanted to put all of his chips in the pot blind, lol. It took me like 5 hands to beat him.

Good times. I also posted a win of about $7 playing 1/2 limit ;-p so all told I made about $360 today. I'm very happy with that.


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