Sunday, October 16, 2005
Crazy day... at least it ended well
I don't think I won a coinflip all day. I played like 5 $50 HU sngs and got eliminated from pretty much all of them by either a badbeat or a stupid opponent play. AK lost to KQ, A5 to KJ, AK to J4 after he called off 75% of his chips on a flush draw on ace high board etc etc.
Decided I had one more 4 man $50 HU sng left in me. Won the first match without much fuss, don't even remember much about it. 2nd match was a battle. He would never really raise that much preflop, but if he thought you were bluffing he'd reraise. I look advantage of this by playing AQ for a raise, getting reraised and just called. Board was blanks and I check raised turn hard and bet river and took down a big pot. Blinds were going up though, and he whitted back to even, then he was up a bit when I got 77. He limped, I raised he reraised and I pushed allin. He called with KQ and I WON a fucking coinflip!!!!
He was down to like 500 and I couldn't beat him losing 3 hands allin that were basically coinflips. He got back upto almost even when I got 99. I raised he reraised and I jammed. He had TT and called. I was crippled.
I had 400 chips left and blinds were 100/200. I got 37o in SB and folded leaving me with 300 chips. I got like K8s in BB next hand and he put me allin with 54 and I won. 600 chips. Next hand I had 55. I pushed allin and he had AK and I won a coin flip. 1200 chips now. I see a free flop in BB with 74 T97 flop he bets I fold. 1000 left. 98s I push allin and win the BB back to 1200. 99 next hand, he puts me allin. I call he has 88 and I hold up. 2400. I see freeflop with T5s in BB, checked to turn when I bet bottom pair and pick up blinds. 2600 chips. Q9 I limp he checks. Board comes QTxTT and he bets turn and river and I raise river and he folds. Big pot and it puts me in lead at 3400. Last hand I limp with 68 he raises to 3x BB, I call. K95 flop. I had a gutshot and call a 400 bet. I nail my gutshot on the turn. He checks I bet 400 which was meant to look weak and sure enough he check raises me allin. I have the nuts so I call and he has A9 for middle pair and is drawing dead. THE END
Was so sweeet to pull that off. Like finding $200 on the sidewalk.
Tonight I can sleep a happy man.
Decided I had one more 4 man $50 HU sng left in me. Won the first match without much fuss, don't even remember much about it. 2nd match was a battle. He would never really raise that much preflop, but if he thought you were bluffing he'd reraise. I look advantage of this by playing AQ for a raise, getting reraised and just called. Board was blanks and I check raised turn hard and bet river and took down a big pot. Blinds were going up though, and he whitted back to even, then he was up a bit when I got 77. He limped, I raised he reraised and I pushed allin. He called with KQ and I WON a fucking coinflip!!!!
He was down to like 500 and I couldn't beat him losing 3 hands allin that were basically coinflips. He got back upto almost even when I got 99. I raised he reraised and I jammed. He had TT and called. I was crippled.
I had 400 chips left and blinds were 100/200. I got 37o in SB and folded leaving me with 300 chips. I got like K8s in BB next hand and he put me allin with 54 and I won. 600 chips. Next hand I had 55. I pushed allin and he had AK and I won a coin flip. 1200 chips now. I see a free flop in BB with 74 T97 flop he bets I fold. 1000 left. 98s I push allin and win the BB back to 1200. 99 next hand, he puts me allin. I call he has 88 and I hold up. 2400. I see freeflop with T5s in BB, checked to turn when I bet bottom pair and pick up blinds. 2600 chips. Q9 I limp he checks. Board comes QTxTT and he bets turn and river and I raise river and he folds. Big pot and it puts me in lead at 3400. Last hand I limp with 68 he raises to 3x BB, I call. K95 flop. I had a gutshot and call a 400 bet. I nail my gutshot on the turn. He checks I bet 400 which was meant to look weak and sure enough he check raises me allin. I have the nuts so I call and he has A9 for middle pair and is drawing dead. THE END
Was so sweeet to pull that off. Like finding $200 on the sidewalk.
Tonight I can sleep a happy man.