Saturday, March 04, 2006
National Heads up touney

So this snuck up on me... thought I still had a week. 64 Man National Heads up Tourney starts today/tomorrow. Anyone who has ever entered a march madness pool knows how this works. Fill out the bracket (either type it in text or download image and use MS paint like me) and post your bracket picks. Points are awarded 1 pt for correct first round picks, 2 for 2nd, 4 for 3rd, 6 for 4th 8 for 5th and 14 points if you pick the winner.
This starts soon so don't dally. We are using the honor system, so if you don't find this until after the tourney starts, but havn't looked up results you can still post. We are all friends here.
Entry fee is $2, winner take all (unless we someone get a ton of people which I don't think will happen since I'm arranging this so late. If a ton somehow enter it will be like 75/25). Tell everyone, hopefully BMW, Hoax, Bidzior and everyone else that I havn't been able to get ahold of that might be interested sees this in time. Tell your friends :-p
And please enter this so I don't feel really dumb for posting and not getting any response.
If there is a tie, both players (or all involved) will sit at a play money table and go allin first hand. Winner of that hand wins.
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