Friday, February 10, 2006


My matches so far today

Havn't been running well. THought I'd keep track of how I'm losing to see if I can detect any real big patterns. Comments welcome.

$50 Match-Loss when A5 loses to KJ for almost all the chips in play (I had him covered)

$50 Match Win

$50 Match win

$50 Match - Won
Sucked out on last hand when I flopped top pair with K9 vs J8 on KJ8 board. Opponent was a move in specialist, and so when he moved in I thought it was an easy call. I hit a K though, and it was over. I had him outchipped like 2250-750.

$50 Match - lost
First hand AA he raises I reraise, he foldsNext hand KK I raise he reraises, I raise to 700 and he pushes with AQ, QQ7 flop.
Left with me 80 chips which I built upto 400 before getting allin with 55 vs Q8 and he made 2 pair.

$50 Match- lost
Got allin AT vs AK and lost a big pot... yeah gameover.

$50 Match lost
AQ vs 33 Q on flop, bet he calls. 3 on turn and we get allin.

$50 Match-Won
T8s vs 45 ... priceless
First hand I runner runnered a flush against the flopped nut straight

4 man $50 match
1st round- win
big hand was 53 vs 23 on A45 flop. He checked flop, turn was a 5 he bet min, I raised a tiny bit he called. River was a 3 giving me a boat I bet a lot and he called.
Last hand I raised to 60 preflop with 9T, he called. 952 flop with 2 clubs and he moved in first to act. He had Q3o total bluff and my hand held up.
2nd Round- Lost
Was a half hour battle. Had him down early and got allin with pair and flush draw but his top pair held.
Took a hit with top two vs trips, down to like 1000, battled back to take the lead when the blinds were high and I flopped top pair with Q9 vs KK and that left me with a few chips and I went out a couple hands later.

$50 HU match... sigh lost
J8 vs K9 all the money went in on turn J925K

$50 HU Match... Win
Nothing real exciting. Ground him down. He liked to raise strongly preflop then passively from then on. He was convinced I was bluffing a lot towards the end so was able to get some good value bets. Last had was A9 vs 55 and I hit a 9. He only had 450 to start.

$50 HU Match- Loss
Got allin with Queen high flush draw vs AK high flush drawFlush got there

$50 HU Match vs same guy- Loss

76% on Flop

86% on Turn

Lose. Doubled up and then got allin with AT vs A5 to complete the whatever-fecta.
I think I'll play some sudoku now.

$150 down plus rake. Blech.

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