Sunday, July 31, 2005


Cracking AA, KK, QQ in a $12+1 Sit and Go (by the 25/50 level).

Yes, I had a wild ride at a recent $12+1 6-handed "Sit and Go" Tournament. Early on I crack Aces with 10Q.

Then it is Cowboys that take a fall.

Finally, a miracle card ( 1 outer) on the river cracks QQ.

That beat leads to a fast victory, as it is over at the 25/50 level. Just my second one outer in two sit and go's... As I hit the Straight Flush with a one outer in an earlier sng with this hand.

It has been exciting, to say the least.

Another one outer on the river! This one is remarkable.

I finish him off to win the $12+1 sng by cracking AA.
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