Wednesday, June 15, 2005


73+7 Satellite score!

PokerStars Tournament #8862330, No Limit Hold'em
Super Satellite
Buy-In: $73.00/$7.00
26 players
Total Prize Pool: $1898.00
Target Tournament #8862227 Buy-In: $650.00
2 tickets to the target tournament
Tournament started - 2005/06/16 - 00:30:00 (ET)
Dear BoBtheMule,
You finished the tournament in 3rd place.
A $598.00 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

Thank you for participating.

Man, I sucked out big twice. I was allin early on a flop of J56. I had AQ vs. AJ. Ten on the turn, King on the river. Then much later in the tourney after I took a few beats to knock my stack way down I was 6th in a 6 horse race when I got allin on the turn w/ A6, board was TJTT... the enemy called w/ QQ and I spiked an Ace. I got hit by the deck a few times, got sucked out on a couple times and very fortunte in others.

In the BB I had Q6 and checked when the cutoff and SB limped. Flop came 6T6 and I checked it around looking to trap. On the turn an ace fell and it checked around again... A ten falls on the river and I'm not pleased. The SB bets 600 (BB was 200 I think) and I flat call. She shows A6 and I was in serious trouble had the ten not fallen. Very lucky.

It was definately a night of suckouts on me and on others... nice for the cards to fall pretty even that way.


For the WSOP. Third place was really more than first/second in this spot because selling $W 650 would net me less than the 598$ I got for third.
Nice run! How'd ya bust?
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